Efficiency, not slashing services, is the goal

Carter Bundy of AFSCME recently urged the “likeable, bright guys” over at the “far-right” Rio Grande Foundation to “Drop the Political Rhetoric and Join the Debate” over how best to spur economic growth in New Mexico. While I share respect for Carter, I could not disagree more with his argument. Continue Reading

Think small, not big, for Santa Fe’s schools

UPDATED: Think New Mexico would like to propose a better way to close the Santa Fe Public Schools’ deficit that would minimize classroom cuts and give every child the opportunity to learn in a small school. It starts with moving students out of the larger elementary schools. Continue Reading

Making Washington work for New Mexico

The filibuster has transformed from a rarely and judiciously used procedural tool of debate to a routine weapon of partisan obstruction. The unfortunate result is that the Senate has become a graveyard for good ideas. I’m pushing for senators to change that. Continue Reading

Fighting for equal pay for women

It is an inconvenient truth that in 2010, women are still subject to pay inequity. The quest for equal pay can be fought one case at a time, but what is really needed is a cultural shift. Pay equity is a human-rights issue that should concern every citizen. Continue Reading