NMPolitics.net has raised more than $1,200 so far

Heath Haussamen

Since NMPolitics.net started its current fundraising drive almost two weeks ago, 31 people have given a combined total of more than $1,200.

That’s huge, and I want to publicly thank those who have given for helping keep NMPolitics.net going. I’m honored to know you think the site is that important, and I pledge to you that I will continue to work to make the site one that’s worthy of your support.

The fundraising continues, and I’m asking the rest of you, if you find this site informative, to consider giving. Click here to give a one-time contribution in any amount or to sign up to make automatic, monthly contributions of $10 or $20.

Those who sign up to make monthly contributions or give a one-time contribution of at least $120 will receive a monthly newsletter containing exclusive analysis and interesting tidbits about what’s happening in New Mexico and news about NMPolitics.net.

NMPolitics.net’s first newsletter goes out Friday. You can make a qualifying contribution any time before then to receive the first newsletter.

Most importantly, this is about building a community site. I’ve expanded NMPolitics.net in the past few months to include guest and regular columnists from across the political spectrum. The comments section at the end of articles published on NMPolitics.net has become a vibrant political forum.

In addition, I’m developing another expansion that will further diversify the conversation on the site (details coming in Friday’s newsletter and sometime later in a posting on the site).

A community site requires community support. Again, thanks to those who have given. Others – individuals and organizations – who want to give can click here to do so.

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