Heath Haussamen
It’s time for me to focus on New Mexico In Depth, but I want this site to continue and hopefully to grow. At this point, it has a better chance of doing that if someone else takes it over.
After 6.5 years, I’ve decided to put NMPolitics.net up for sale.
I know I promised a couple of months ago, when we announced the creation of New Mexico In Depth, that NMPolitics.net wasn’t going anywhere. I hope it’s not going anywhere. But recent circumstances have made clear that it’s time for me to move on.
NMPolitics.net has been on hiatus for the last month while I dealt with some serious family issues. Being pulled out of my routine, frankly, helped me realize I had too much on my plate. Something had to give.
I’ve run this site for almost seven years as a labor of love. Building and maintaining an influential political news website has been my full-time work, and the site has grown and turned a profit every year, but, like all small businesses, it has required a lot of blood, sweat and tears.
It’s time for me to focus on New Mexico In Depth and its goal of fostering, promoting and publishing journalism in the public interest. And it’s time to pass the NMPolitics.net torch.
I believe firmly in NMPolitics.net’s two-fold, nonpartisan mission: to hold government and political leaders accountable through hard-hitting but fair reporting while also encouraging policy and political debate that promotes the common good. I want this site to continue and hopefully to grow. At this point, it has a better chance of doing that if someone else takes it over.
So I’m looking for a buyer. I’ve already reached out and started discussions with some but wanted to publicly announce my intentions in case someone I’m not thinking of is interested. Also, I didn’t want to leave you, NMPolitics.net’s loyal readers, hanging any longer. You deserve to know what’s happening.
If you’re interested in learning more about the site and possibly purchasing it, e-mail me at heath@haussamen.com or call me at 575.644.5129.
As I think back to NMPolitics.net’s first post, on March 20, 2006, and all the news articles and columns I’ve written and published since, I have fond memories. This site has been an amazing learning experience for me, and I believe it has made a difference for New Mexico.
I still have a handful of articles and columns to publish in the next week or two, so check back regularly. I hope to find a suitable buyer who will continue the site’s nonpartisan mission. I’m excited about what the future might still hold for NMPolitics.net. I will keep you updated.
Know that I won’t sell the site to anyone who isn’t committed to maintaining its journalistic integrity.
Thanks for supporting this site – and me – for the last several years. I remain grateful and humbled.