Thanks to you, has a freelance budget

Heath Haussamen

Heath Haussamen

I’ve already started assigning stories related to the primary election to a couple of freelance reporters. You’ll see them in the coming weeks.

Thanks to the donations of 150 of you, now has money to pay freelancers to write news articles.

That will take some pressure off me, which I needed to happen. More importantly, it means more diversity of voices in’s reporting than before.

Our fundraising drive ends today. We’ve raised $12,610 – 70 percent of our $18,000 goal. While we didn’t quite reach our goal, which would have allowed us to hire a reporter outright, we did raise enough funds for solid freelance reporting.

And we exceeded the amount we raised last year. We also increased the number of donors during this year’s fundraising drive.

This is great news for, because it shows us that our work is valued in New Mexico. Thank you again for your support!

I’ve already started assigning stories related to the primary election to a couple of freelance reporters. You’ll see them in the coming weeks.

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