NMPolitics.net reaches 62 percent of fundraising goal

As of this morning, 129 people have given a combined $11,185 to help keep NMPolitics.net going and, hopefully, expand.

NMPolitics.net is now at 62 percent of its goal of raising $18,000 by April 30. Can you help us get closer by making a donation today?

You can donate at nmpolitics.net/contribute. You can also learn more about our fundraising campaign by clicking on that link.

You can give a one-time contribution in any amount, or you can sign up to have your credit or debit card automatically charged $10 or $20 each month with the ability to cancel at any time.

Those who sign up for automatic contributions will receive a monthly newsletter containing exclusive analysis and interesting tidbits about what’s happening in New Mexico and news about NMPolitics.net.

Heath Haussamen

Heath Haussamen

Those who give a one-time contribution of at least $120 will also receive the monthly newsletter for a year.

Your contribution will be publicly listed along with others on NMPolitics.net, and it’s not tax-deductible. Click here to read NMPolitics.net’s entire financial contributor policy.

To those of you who have already given, thanks for your support! I hope the rest of you will make donations today, if you can afford to do so, by clicking on one of the three buttons at the top of this post.

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