I need help to keep up this pace. If you appreciate NMPolitics.net’s work to bring you breaking news quickly and in context, make a donation today!
NMPolitics.net has worked overtime recently to report on the growing list of state lawmakers who aren’t seeking re-election and developments in the Sunland Park scandal.
In many instances, NMPolitics.net has broken the news, bringing it to you first and with greater detail and context than other news organizations.
But when I say “NMPolitics.net” has worked hard, that means I have worked hard.
I need help to keep up this pace. That’s why I’m trying to raise $18,000 this year to hire a reporter. If you appreciate NMPolitics.net’s work to bring you breaking news quickly and in context, make a donation today!
You can donate at nmpolitics.net/contribute.

Heath Haussamen
So far NMPolitics.net has raised $7,795, or 43 percent of our goal of raising $18,000 by April 30.
You can give a one-time contribution in any amount, or you can sign up to have your credit or debit card automatically charged $10 or $20 each month with the ability to cancel at any time.
Your contribution will be publicly listed along with others on NMPolitics.net. It’s not tax-deductible. Click here to read NMPolitics.net’s entire financial contributor policy.
Again, you can make a donation at nmpolitics.net/contribute. Thanks to those who have given so far. To the rest of you – if you can afford to join our list of donors, I hope you’ll do so. If you have any questions, e-mail me at heath@haussamen.com.