A website screen shot from KFOX-TV’s interview with Jose Luis Hernandez.
Though he shares the same last name as Gerardo Hernandez, another mayoral candidate, Jose Luis Hernandez insisted he didn’t get his name on the ballot to help the third mayoral candidate, Daniel Salinas, by confusing voters.
Jose Luis Hernandez is running for mayor in the March 6 Sunland Park municipal election, but he hasn’t been very visible – until now.
Hernandez emerged today to give an interview to El Paso’s KFOX-14.
Though he shares the same last name as Gerardo Hernandez, another mayoral candidate, Jose Luis Hernandez insisted he didn’t get his name on the ballot to help the third mayoral candidate, Daniel Salinas, by confusing voters.
But the interview is quite interesting. Jose Luis Hernandez is told by the reporter conducting the interview that his mother didn’t know he was running until the media alerted her. The reporter also pointed out that his mother had a Salinas sign at her home.
He said he hadn’t told his parents about his candidacy because of his father’s illness, but said his siblings knew.
Jose Luis Hernandez said he hasn’t been running an active campaign “for lack of funds,” but said now is the time for him to speak up, with Salinas facing criminal charges and Gerardo Hernandez having been shown on El Paso television with a topless dancer.
“That’s why I’m making the announcement public,” Jose Luis Hernandez said.
Salinas is currently jailed on extortion charges stemming from allegations that he used a lap-dance video to try to force Gerardo Hernandez from the race.
Watch Jose Luis Hernandez’s full interview here and KFOX-TV’s report on the interview here.