buttons to make a
financial contribution:
It’s time again for NMPolitics.net’s annual fundraising drive. This year I’ve set a goal of raising $12,000 by April 30. If you think this site is doing important work, I’m asking you to make a donation to help keep it going.
Last year I set a goal of raising $10,000. People from across the political spectrum, and from around the state and beyond, helped NMPolitics.net surpass that goal.
I’m hoping for a similarly positive response this year. This site derives much of its revenue from advertising sales, but individual donations are an integral part of the funding that keeps it going.
You can give a one-time contribution in any amount, or you can sign up to have your credit or debit card automatically charged $10 or $20 each month, with the ability to cancel at any time. Those of you who are already making automatic monthly contributions don’t need to do anything – your donations will continue.
Those who sign up for automatic contributions will receive a monthly newsletter containing exclusive analysis and interesting tidbits about what’s happening in New Mexico and news about NMPolitics.net. Those who give a one-time contribution of at least $120 will also receive the monthly newsletter for a year.
Helping those who support NMPolitics.net’s mission
This year, if NMPolitics.net succeeds in reaching its fundraising goal, I will make donations of $250 apiece to two organizations that share NMPolitics.net’s mission. That mission is, in the tradition of non-partisan journalism, to hold government and political leaders accountable through hard-hitting but fair reporting while also encouraging policy and political debate that promotes the common good.

Heath Haussamen
The N.M. Foundation for Open Government fights battles that are essential to ensuring the media and the public have access to information about the activities of their government. Holding government and political leaders accountable isn’t possible without sunshine.
And New Mexico First, through its congressional debates and other events, is leading the way in facilitating productive political and policy debate that promotes the common good.
If NMPolitics.net raises $12,000 by April 30, its parent company, Haussamen Publications, will donate $250 to each of these organizations.
Make a contribution today
Your contribution will be publicly listed along with others on NMPolitics.net. Click here to view the current list of contributors and here for last year’s list. Also, your contribution is not tax-deductible. Click here to read NMPolitics.net’s entire financial contributor policy.
I hope you’ll consider making a financial contribution to NMPolitics.net today. Click on one of the three buttons above to get started. As always, thank you for being part of the NMPolitics.net community.