Heath Haussamen
There’s been lots of negative news for Secretary of State Mary Herrera lately, and I’ve written a lot about the scandal plaguing her office. But research for two recent articles reminded me about one very positive step forward the office has taken under Herrera’s leadership.
In trying to search for Lt. Gov. Diane Denish’s financial disclosure forms on the SOS Web site, I was, as always, frustrated by the cumbersome and archaic system. So on Tuesday, as I searched through campaign finance reports on the new campaign reporting system Herrera’s office implemented, I was reminded of how much better it is.
The new system for campaign finance reports isn’t even close to perfect. But it’s infinitely better than the old system Herrera inherited and promised to replace when she took office.
Herrera still needs to move old finance reports into the new system and apply the new system to other information such as the annual disclosure forms filed by Denish and other elected officials. But the new system is a positive step toward increased transparency and improved access to information about elections.
On this issue, Herrera kept her campaign promise. She should be proud of that accomplishment.