Heath Haussamen
It’s rare for people from across the political spectrum to come together for anything these days. That’s why I’m especially honored that 121 people of different persuasions and ideologies made financial contributions to help NMPolitics.net reach its goal of raising $10,000.
NMPolitics.net has actually surpassed that goal at this point by raising $10,060 in less than eight weeks. The average donation size was $83.14.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Your support will help keep NMPolitics.net going. It’s humbling to know that so many of you think a site into which I’ve poured my heart, my soul, my energy and my time is worth supporting financially.
I believe strong journalism is essential to the health of a democratic society. Such journalism is sorely lacking today, and I view that as a real threat to the health of our nation. This site is part of the effort to find a new financial model that will put American journalism back on solid footing. Your contributions are helping make that happen.
I’ve said it before, but this site’s mission statement bears repeating: In the tradition of non-partisan journalism, NMPolitics.net aims to hold government and political leaders accountable through hard-hitting but fair reporting while also encouraging policy and political debate that promotes the common good.
Many news outlets, faced with the current financial crunch, have abandoned such journalism in favor of work that promotes an oversimplified view of reality at best, and spin and bias at worst. Such organizations often contribute to the miscommunication and division that plagues our political system and our society.
That’s why it’s so important to me to maintain a site that fosters true political and policy debate between people of varying ideologies and opinions. And in my work, I try to reveal the complexities of a topic, rather than getting too caught up in the back-and-forth spin. I don’t always succeed in that goal, but I am always trying.
Get involved
You can help. There are lots of ways for you to get involved in NMPolitics.net:
• This site remains open to comments from anyone of any political ideology who complies with the comments policy.
• I’ll also consider publishing guest columns. If you have an idea for one, send me an e-mail at heath@haussamen.com.
• I’m always open to feedback that is positive or negative, and to new ideas. E-mail me with your thoughts.
• This site will continue accepting financial contributions at nmpolitics.net/contribute. If you can afford to make a contribution, I would be honored to have your support for NMPolitics.net.
Again, I want to thank those of you who have made financial contributions. I pledge to continue to make this site one that’s worthy of your support.