NMPolitics.net sets $10K fundraising goal

Heath Haussamen

In three weeks, NMPolitics.net has raised an estimated $3,765 for its spring fundraising drive.

That estimate includes contributions already given and an assumption that those who have signed up to make monthly contributions will continue to do so for the next 12 months.

That outpouring of support is amazing. Now, I’ve set a goal of raising $10,000 by June 20, when the spring fundraising drive will end. I’ll update you weekly between now and then about NMPolitics.net’s progress toward that goal.

NMPolitics.net needs your help to get there. Go to nmpolitics.net/contribute to give a one-time contribution in any amount or to sign up to make automatic, monthly contributions of $10 or $20.

Those who sign up to make monthly contributions or give a one-time contribution of at least $120 will receive a monthly newsletter containing exclusive analysis and interesting tidbits about what’s happening in New Mexico and news about NMPolitics.net.

NMPolitics.net’s first newsletter went out Friday. In it, I ranked the five Republican gubernatorial candidates in order of who I believe is most likely to win the primary. I explained my rankings and what factors might shift the dynamics in the race before June 1.

Don’t want to miss another newsletter? Make a qualifying contribution now.

If you’ve already made a contribution, would you also be willing to send an e-mail asking friends, family members, coworkers or others to give a few bucks? What about posting a message on your Facebook or Twitter page? You can direct people to nmpolitics.net/contribute to make a contribution.

Thus far, 48 people from across the political spectrum have made contributions to NMPolitics.net. You can view the full list here. I’d love to add your name to that page! If you have any questions, e-mail me at heath@haussamen.com.

Thanks to those who have made contributions! Your support is helping to solidify NMPolitics.net’s place in the conversation about politics and government in New Mexico.

I know I keep saying this, but keeping NMPolitics.net going requires a community effort. I’m honored that so many of you think investing in the site is important.

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