Heath Haussamen
In five weeks, 82 people have pitched in a combined $6,815 in response to the call for a community effort to help keep NMPolitics.net going. If you haven’t yet made a financial contribution, I’m asking you to do so today.
Individuals, businesses, political committees, nonprofits and other groups can contribute to NMPolitics.net by visiting nmpolitics.net/contribute.
I’m so grateful for the dozens of people from around the state and nation who have pitched in anywhere from $10 to $500 to help NMPolitics.net reach its goal of raising $10,000 by June 20. Your support has been amazing.
NMPolitics.net’s fundraising drive lasts another five weeks. Those who haven’t yet given can make a one-time contribution in any amount or to sign up to make automatic, monthly contributions of $10 or $20.
Those who sign up to make monthly contributions or give a one-time contribution of at least $120 will receive a monthly newsletter containing exclusive analysis and interesting tidbits about what’s happening in New Mexico and news about NMPolitics.net.
Would you also be willing to send an e-mail asking friends, family members, coworkers or others to give a few bucks? What about posting a message on your Facebook or Twitter page? You can direct people to nmpolitics.net/contribute to make a contribution.
If you have any questions, e-mail me at heath@haussamen.com.
Again, thanks to those who have given!