Celebrating NMPolitics.net’s four-year anniversary

Heath Haussamen

Saturday marked NMPolitics.net’s four-year anniversary. I want to thank all of you for helping make this one of the most popular political news sites in New Mexico.

Whether you’re a regular reader, an author of guest columns, an active debater in the comments section or an advertiser – or some combination of all of these – you’ve helped make this site a go-to spot on the Internet for news, commentary and debate about politics and government.

As we head into the June primary and November general elections, I’m going to work to make NMPolitics.net the best place to stay informed about what’s happening. Suggestions? E-mail me at heath@haussamen.com.

I have a few announcements to make in the coming weeks as NMPolitics.net goes through some changes that I hope will improve the site. Stay tuned!

I couldn’t do what I do if you didn’t participate. Know that I am grateful for your support.

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