DCCC unveils TV ad attacking White

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has begun airing a TV ad attacking Republican 1st Congressional District candidate Darren White as a lackey for the Bush Administration.

Here’s the 30-second spot, which is currently airing on cable television:

“What politician was rewarded by President Bush with a $150,000 campaign fundraiser?” the ad’s narrator asks. “Darren White. A ‘thank you’ for White’s loyalty to the Bush campaign and his support for the failed Bush economy and tax breaks for billionaires, while middle class families struggle.”

The ad then cites a newspaper article in which White’s Democratic opponent, Martin Heinrich, was called “a pragmatic consensus builder” and someone who would be “a welcome talent in Congress.”

The primary theme of White’s campaign is that he would be an independent voice in Washington.

In addition to the current cable buy, the DCCC has reserved at least $1.3 million in TV advertising for the 1st District race in September and October.

Update, 8:55 p.m.

White campaign spokesman Steven Schatz released this statement:

“This is the same old misleading partisan politics that New Mexico voters are sick and tired of. Attacks and smears do not solve America’s tough issues,” he said. “This election is a stark choice between the proven independent leadership of Sheriff Darren White and the extreme views of former lobbyist and professional politician Martin Heinrich.”

“Darren White will work to shake up Washington so Congress finally addresses the real concerns and issues of New Mexicans — including rising energy and food costs, kick-starting our economy, reforming health care and standing strong in the war on terror,” he said. “Darren White has dedicated his life to public service for over 25 years and we are confident that the voters of the 1st Congressional District of New Mexico will reject Martin Heinrich’s baseless political attacks orchestrated by his cronies in D.C.”

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