‘Tax rebates’ are more appropriately called welfare

By Dan Foley

Having just returned from what will probably be my last legislative session, I have to tell you I was amazed at how well the Democrats can stay on message nationally and locally.

We just finished a “special session” that was to deal with emergency issues facing our state. We actually did have one — the flooding that hit Lincoln and Otero counties. I was shocked, though, to see that a proposal to give some people a small check had been labeled an “emergency.”

Furthermore, this proposal was given the name “tax rebate.” That nickname also seemed odd in that the idea of giving someone a “rebate” requires that he or she had to have paid something to start with. But many people who will receive the so-called rebate actually paid no taxes at all. And many thousands of others paid very little. The legislation would have been more accurately named “tax welfare” rather than “tax rebate.”

But the session was revealing and timely because I believe it really served to highlight the “Obama Democrat” redistribution-of-wealth plan that is being proposed nationally. We’ve now had a chance to see it here in New Mexico first. The very folks — the national Democrat Party — who talk about working on behalf of the middle class and working class have actually harmed them yet again. And this is only a snap shot of what Barack Obama wants to do if he should get in the White House.

Why is it so hard for people to see that when it comes to helping working families, these New Mexico Democrats are openly hypocrites and make no bones about it? New Mexico Democrats just defined “wealthy” as a family whose husband and wife each make $35,000 a year. Can you believe that? Teachers, get out of the way! You are now “fat cats” according to Democrats. Hey, union workers, construction folks, and county, city and state employees, you make too much money to get any help from this Democrat-led Legislature!

The middle class is left out

Why should you care? Because with “rebate” bills like the one we just passed, the Democrats are taking more of your money and giving it to those who are already qualified for every public assistance program in the country. But you? Oh, you are left out.

Of course that’s not what they’re telling you. They continue to talk about the “working class” as if they actually cared about you. As they shake your hand with a smile, their left hand is reaching into your back pocket. But many of you seem to buy it.

Maybe that’s why we’re called the Land of Enchantment: The Democrats continually mesmerize the entire population into a stupor of redistributionist and economically irresponsible public policy. As for me, I’d rather have them be up front with it all. Just go ahead and tell me: “Hey, I’m going to stick it to you to help someone else.” I would respect that much more than I do this constant lying — and the sympathetic distortion of their actions by the media.

I found it interesting that when these bills came up for a vote in the Legislature, Democrats couldn’t answer any questions about why they broke the tax rebates up at the income levels they did. They actually got very angry when asked why they consider a couple who makes $35,000 each a wealthy family.

As usual they wanted to immediately change the subject and talk about “millionaires,” as if New Mexico is brimming over with seven-figure earners. The Democrats just wouldn’t stand and debate the actual bill. Ironically, given the union bosses’ subservience to the Democrat Party, the folks working to get teachers, union workers, construction workers, and county, city and state employees included in the rebates weren’t the “Obama Fans” or “Hillary Supporters.” It was the Republicans. Which leads me to ask, why?

Actions speak louder than words

The answer is simple. As shown by Obama and his redistribution-of-wealth plan, Democrats do nothing for the actual working people of this country. They can’t even work to support the very folks who are voting for them. They would rather have the rhetoric than a real rebate. They’d rather pander — mainly to the media, who print what they say as Gospel — than help the very people who get up every day and make the United States the greatest country on the planet.

Wake up, people! These folks care only about your vote not about you, and that should worry you. Obama, just like these Democrats, believes you are rich if you are working hard. And they believe your tax rebates should go to help people who are already on public assistance. They never talk about taxing their millionaire Hollywood friends, but they will talk about “big oil” like it is evil.

Tell me who has more money: Warren Buffett, George Soros and Alec Baldwin, or the guy working every day to keep his independent oil and gas company going? Or the restaurant or other small business owner?

Democrats like to talk a good game, but their actions speak louder then words. In New Mexico the redistribution of wealth, otherwise know as the “Obama Plan,” is going to be a disaster. You can either be angry about it now or wait until they come to you or your spouse, each of you making $35,000, and raise your taxes to pay for the tax rebates they didn’t even care enough to give you in the first place.

Foley is the outgoing minority whip in the New Mexico House of Representatives.

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