Sheriff probes mysterious donation to Richardson

A state judge in Waco, Texas, wants to know why someone gave $2,300 to the presidential campaign of Gov. Bill Richardson, ostensibly in his name.

District Judge Matt Johnson was asked by a friend about a $2,300 donation to Richardson last week, after the local newspaper listed local residents who had given to presidential candidates. Johnson was quick to point out that the newspaper stated the gift was from a Matt Johnston, with a “t,” and wasn’t him, according to an article published Sunday in the Waco Tribune-Herald.

But the Republican judge kept getting calls all week, and he became concerned because the judicial code of conduct prohibits judges from publicly endorsing candidates. He wanted people to know he hadn’t given Richardson any money.

As he dug deeper, he found something more disturbing, the newspaper reported.

The address attached to the donation on Richardson’s finance report is Johnson’s previous residence, which he moved from in August 2005. The donor is also listed as a self-employed attorney, which Johnson was before he was elected as a judge.

The local sheriff in Waco is looking into the matter, and will start by asking the Richardson campaign for more information on the donor, the newspaper reported.

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