Texas wages a war on drugs at the border. That might be the wrong place.
An estimated 1.6 million adult Texans have substance use disorders, many addicted to drugs that arrive illegally from Mexico. Continue Reading
NMPolitics.net (https://nmpolitics.net/index/tag/the-war-on-drugs/)
An estimated 1.6 million adult Texans have substance use disorders, many addicted to drugs that arrive illegally from Mexico. Continue Reading
A fundamental truth underlies the nation’s collective failure to stop illegal immigration and smuggling over the southern border: The United States demands the cheap labor and drugs. Continue Reading
Each of us must speak up and demand a real investment in the future of the state. Continue Reading
The Libertarian presidential nominee says he worked to level the playing field as New Mexico’s governor and would do the same as president. Continue Reading
More than 60 percent of New Mexicans support legalizing, regulating and taxing marijuana, according to results of a statewide poll released Thursday. Continue Reading
The DEA warns that drugs are funding terror. An examination of cases raises questions about whether the agency is stopping threats or staging them. Continue Reading
The Mexican Supreme Court recently put debate about legalizing marijuana back on the agenda in that country. Continue Reading
If we want less crime, better schools, and a healthier state let’s stop our outdated prohibition laws and do this right. Continue Reading
Being a Christian and a former state and federal drug prosecutor, I take issue with Pat Robertson’s stance on the legalization of marijuana. Continue Reading
Gov. Susana Martinez and her husband, Chuck Franco, need to put the Mexican drug cartels on notice by declaring war on heroin in New Mexico. Continue Reading
An anti-cannabis stance is unfortunate because it needlessly condemns some people to a very unpleasant ending of their life without the relief of medical cannabis. Continue Reading