Just quit playing the national anthem at games
People come to a stadium or turn on the tube to watch football. Period. Continue Reading
NMPolitics.net (https://nmpolitics.net/index/tag/sports/)
People come to a stadium or turn on the tube to watch football. Period. Continue Reading
The charity game raised $30,486 in donations to support cancer research and care at The University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center. Continue Reading
New Mexico State University reversed courses Friday, agreeing to fund its equestrian team for one more season rather than eliminating it immediately. Continue Reading
Those aren’t the only programs affected. All colleges and administrative divisions are cutting their budgets by between 5 and 6.2 percent. Continue Reading
Players would be required to sit out at least 10 days after being diagnosed with a concussion if the bill becomes law. The current wait is seven days. Continue Reading
Shawn Nieto, a running back at Cleveland High School in Rio Rancho, may have more influence than any lobbyist as state legislators decide whether to strengthen concussion protocol for players from the pee-wee level to senior high. Continue Reading
A high-school football player in Albuquerque found a way around a regulation requiring athletes with head injuries to sit out at least a week. It is a horrible precedent, and the practice needs to be stopped. Continue Reading
When I was one of the last people my best childhood friend told he was gay, I thought about all the times I’d said something or someone was gay (or more offensive versions of the word). I was heartbroken that I’d been a stumbling block during his journey toward being the man he wanted to be. I wanted to have been better than that. Continue Reading
Kobe Bryant made $25 million this year but says the year was “wasted.” Perhaps if he understood what $25 million could bring to many New Mexican children who deal with developmental disabilities, Kobe wouldn’t be so flippant about what a “waste” of time the past year was for him. Continue Reading
Tiger Woods needs to go to Africa not as a celebrity but as a worker and spend the next two years obscurely making things better in a country 99 percent of the world does not even know exists. Take no cameras nor press people and leave no trail. Spend two years undiscovered by the press serving humanity as penitence. Continue Reading