Police use-of-force training sparks discussion, builds understanding
Every law enforcement agency should engage citizens in these difficult, informative, and relationship-building conversations. Continue Reading
NMPolitics.net (https://nmpolitics.net/index/tag/race-and-ethnicity/page/5/)
Every law enforcement agency should engage citizens in these difficult, informative, and relationship-building conversations. Continue Reading
Heath Haussamen recently visited the 36-foot-tall statue of Spanish conquistador Don Juan de Oñate in El Paso, Texas that inspired his 2015 commentary. He filmed a video to show you the Texas-sized memorial that greets visitors to the Borderlands and talk about the issue again. Continue Reading
About half of the people commented with the usual vitriol towards law enforcement, and said that her arrest typified a law enforcement predisposition to arrest people of color. The other half concluded that Ms. King was resisting arrest and got what she deserved. Continue Reading
Sure, it’s great to get together once a year for breakfast on Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, but on what other occasions do they meet? Continue Reading
Steps away from five pictures bearing the images of officers who were killed last week, President Barack Obama, former President George W. Bush and Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings said the best way to honor the lives of the officers is for Americans to put aside their differences and unite. Continue Reading
El Paso Police Chief Greg Allen issued a statement Monday afternoon explaining, but not apologizing for, his claim that Black Lives Matter is a “radical hate group.” Continue Reading
After El Paso Police Chief Greg Allen called Black Lives Matter a “radical hate group,” 13 area leaders are calling on the mayor and city council to repudiate his comments. Continue Reading
When police mistakenly identified a peaceful protester who was legally, openly carrying a weapon as a suspect in the Dallas attacks, it sparked outrage among black gun owners. Continue Reading
A fragile peace settled over Dallas after a sniper caused the worst loss of police officer lives since September 11, but beneath calls for unity tension simmered. Continue Reading
Our collective focus remains on access to opportunity, on reforming an often broken criminal justice system, on moving away from militarized policing to a community-based force, and on addressing head-on the sickness of violence that has this nation in its grip. Continue Reading
Thursday night’s brutal attack on Dallas officers followed an otherwise peaceful demonstration against police brutality, in a city where authorities have gone to great lengths to improve relations with the Black community. Continue Reading
Officials from New Mexico are joining others in expressing grief and trying to make sense of a week that has seen the killings by police of two black men in Louisiana and Minnesota and the slaughter of several police officers in Dallas. Continue Reading
“I believe I speak for every single American when I say that we are horrified over these events,” the president said. Continue Reading
All of us as Americans should be troubled by these shootings, because these are not isolated incidents. They’re symptomatic of a broader set of racial disparities that exist in our criminal justice system. Continue Reading
I am angry that queer and trans people of color continue to be used as collateral to push a single-issue policy. Continue Reading