State lawmakers form Hispanic caucus
The bipartisan group plans to advocate on behalf of Hispanics and under-represented communities across New Mexico. Continue Reading
NMPolitics.net (https://nmpolitics.net/index/tag/race-and-ethnicity/page/3/)
The bipartisan group plans to advocate on behalf of Hispanics and under-represented communities across New Mexico. Continue Reading
A year ago I was living an existential crisis over my racial identity. Today, in Trump’s America, I have become a strong and outspoken person. Continue Reading
The path to a more inclusive and understanding society is not to toss old statues, pictures and knowledge down the memory hole. Continue Reading
They train to fight. They post their beatings online. And so far, they have little reason to fear the authorities. Continue Reading
Of course history should be remembered, studied, taught. A celebratory statue does not aid in this endeavor. Continue Reading
Perhaps it is time to move forward with a different vision for Fiesta to free it from the painful ideological trappings of conquest and conversion. Continue Reading
As of 2015, an estimated 30 percent of colonia residents didn’t have access to safe, clean drinking water. Continue Reading
Rather than taking down statues and screaming about justice, perhaps we need to really understand our history, with the blemishes. Continue Reading
These conversations are difficult and require all of us to participate. In doing so will we can heal and grow stronger. Continue Reading
If the president won’t resign, he must be impeached. Patriotism and love of country demand nothing less. Continue Reading
With Santa Fe’s Entrada coming up next month, it’s time to face the truth and find a way to respect our brutal history without glorifying it. Continue Reading
Roman Jimenez had been under fire for saying “violent, leftist protesters” were “getting exactly what they asked for” a day after the violence in Virginia. Continue Reading
The criticism was swift and harsh and included calls for Roman Jimenez to resign from his GOP leadership post. Continue Reading
State police and National Guardsmen watched passively for hours as self-proclaimed Nazis engaged in street battles with counter-protesters. Continue Reading
A trial before First Judicial District Judge Sarah Singleton in Santa Fe boiled down to dueling worldviews. Continue Reading