The GOP I once respected is dead
Forget compassionate conservatism. Cruelty is the Republican Party’s core identity today. Continue Reading
NMPolitics.net (https://nmpolitics.net/index/tag/race-and-ethnicity/)
Forget compassionate conservatism. Cruelty is the Republican Party’s core identity today. Continue Reading
Banning AR-15s won’t end the killing. We have to dig deeper and courageously confront our society’s demons. Continue Reading
Support from family and community appear to shield Latinos from rising suicide rates, researchers say. Continue Reading
The violence didn’t shock me; the inaction in the face of it did. Continue Reading
Inadequate human intelligence, poor communication and unheeded warnings contributed to the deadly debacle a year ago. Continue Reading
I’m grateful that in 2018 Santa Fe’s children will grow up with a deeper understanding of their heritage than I did. Other communities should follow Santa Fe’s lead. Continue Reading
Can public schools be made better? Always. Will political solutions help? Never. Continue Reading
The controversy that swept Southern states over Confederate monuments is spreading across the nation. Continue Reading
African immigrants arriving in Texas are finding a litany of unique racial, cultural and practical challenges to becoming legal residents in America. Continue Reading
State District Judge Sarah Singleton ruled New Mexico guilty on Friday of shirking its constitutional duty to adequately educate at-risk students. Continue Reading
Going forward, we must fight with the same zeal and unity to dismantle oppressive systems and stop unjust actions by our government regardless of which political party is in charge. Continue Reading
Three people from Las Cruces ran for statewide offices in the Democratic primaries this year. Last week, all three lost. Here’s why. Continue Reading
In the high-profile race between Ted Cruz and Beto O’Rourke, there are numerous ways in which their unique relationships with the Hispanic community have intersected. Continue Reading
Discrimination against two young Mohawk men at Colorado State University highlights an all-too-common misunderstanding. Continue Reading
I hope the energy to fight for equity continues regardless of which party is in control. Continue Reading