Governor backs plan for outdoor recreation agency
Lujan Grisham’s administration has put the tourism and outdoor industries at the top of its economic development efforts. Continue Reading
NMPolitics.net (https://nmpolitics.net/index/tag/public-lands/)
Lujan Grisham’s administration has put the tourism and outdoor industries at the top of its economic development efforts. Continue Reading
Outdoor recreation is a mostly untapped reservoir of economic potential for New Mexico’s economy. Continue Reading
Congress needs to revive the bipartisan spirit that has characterized the Land and Water Conservation Fund since its inception and come together to reauthorize and fully fund this great provider of public lands access and enjoyment. Continue Reading
All of our congressional delegates need to hear from their constituents about how important it is to permanently reauthorize and fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund. Continue Reading
Reauthorizing the Land and Water Conservation Fund must be the highest public lands conservation priority for Congress right now. Continue Reading
New Mexicans agree that the future success of our state and its communities are tied to our national monuments, a recent poll finds. Continue Reading
A recent column writer said Steve Pearce believes New Mexico’s public lands have “no value,” a claim that is so absurd on its face that it should discredit her entire case against him. Continue Reading
What you need to know about construction currently happening on the border. Continue Reading
I implore Rep. Pearce to speak factually and accurately about all issues of concern to New Mexicans. Continue Reading
Under the Antiquities Act, landscapes like the Grand Canyon count as ‘objects’ that can be protected. Continue Reading
But the U.S. interior secretary is recommending changes in how the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks and Rio Grande del Norte monuments are managed. Continue Reading
The community drove the effort to get the bosque park established. We deserve to be included in efforts to save it. Continue Reading
It is time to wait for the decision, not to complain about the process that has occurred. Continue Reading
We need to protect these mountains for our youth so they can revel in the serenity that the monument affords to the people of New Mexico. Continue Reading
Congress directed the Department of the Interior to manage the Sabinoso for the “use and enjoyment of the American people.” But the American people can neither use nor enjoy it today. Continue Reading