NM GOP leaders don’t really care about corruption
Remember all the complaining about Bill Richardson? Republican leaders were right then, but apparently only because it was politically convenient. Continue Reading
NMPolitics.net (https://nmpolitics.net/index/tag/public-corruption/)
Remember all the complaining about Bill Richardson? Republican leaders were right then, but apparently only because it was politically convenient. Continue Reading
Demesia Padilla had previously resigned amid questions about possible preferential treatment of a former client. Continue Reading
The case stemmed from Griego’s dual role as a legislator who helped push approval of the sale of a state building and a broker who made money off the transaction. Continue Reading
The bill would have carved out an exception to state rules on renting for the owners of a property who have donated $26,200 to the governor and her political action committee since 2014. Continue Reading
Sen. Candelaria’s amended bill would put a new requirement in the law that government employees exhaust certain administrative remedies prior to filing a whistleblower claim in court. Continue Reading
The bill would effectively strip the existing Act of its usefulness in helping to protect the people of New Mexico against many kinds of public corruption and other forms of wrongdoing. Continue Reading
In a new survey, 1 in 5 New Mexicans said they never trust state government to do what is right, while only 3 percent said state government can always be trusted to do what is right. Continue Reading
Who else is unethically and possibly illegally benefiting from secret deals? And who else is looking the other way while it happens? Continue Reading
Here’s what the three Democrats who want to replace Jeff Steinborn in the N.M. House of Representatives say about paying lawmakers and other ideas for reforming the Legislature. Continue Reading
At a time when his office is dealing with budget cuts, State Auditor Tim Keller says a better funded State Auditor’s Office “would be the single best way to protect taxpayer dollars in New Mexico.” Continue Reading
Many former staffers at the Center for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington say Hillary Clinton ally David Brock has “defanged” the “prominent, nonpartisan watchdog group that helped lay groundwork for what’s become the Clinton email server scandal,” The Center for Public Integrity reported. Continue Reading
The most serious criminal charges against Chris Barela, the director of the Doña Ana County Detention Center, have been dropped, at least for now. Continue Reading
Erlinda Ocampo Johnson doesn’t believe former Secretary of State Dianna Duran is a bad person. Continue Reading
A new study of thousands of corruption cases from 1986 to 2014 found that corruption convictions are not increasing — they’re actually declining — and most involve low-ranking officials. Continue Reading
Our system discourages ethical behavior. We need to pay state legislators and embrace reforms to increase transparency and accountability. Continue Reading