Senate Dems: Popular vote should determine presidential winner
The bill they approved would give New Mexico’s five electoral college votes to the winner of the national popular vote. Continue Reading
NMPolitics.net (https://nmpolitics.net/index/tag/presidential-race/)
The bill they approved would give New Mexico’s five electoral college votes to the winner of the national popular vote. Continue Reading
Are we just going to give this a whirl and see where it ends while the world watches? Continue Reading
We have to work harder than ever toward a common cause. Continue Reading
We’ve been here before. We must remain open to hearing each other and vigilant about protecting those who need help. Continue Reading
COMMENTARY: Hillary Clinton and the Democrats were playing with fire when they effectively wrote off white workers in the small towns and cities of the Rust Belt. Continue Reading
Let’s prove to Americans that we Republicans can govern and that their bet will pay off. Continue Reading
Like no other U.S. presidential election in modern times, the stunning victory of Donald Trump is shaking up Mexico’s political scene. Continue Reading
Some undocumented immigrants brought here as kids were granted a sort of legal status by President Barack Obama. They’re in a state of shock and panic now that Donald Trump has won the White House. Continue Reading
U.S. Rep. Steve Pearce, a supporter of President-elect Donald Trump, joined others who were surprised at how well Trump did in Tuesday’s election. Continue Reading
I want you to know that no one, including the president of the United States, gets to tell you how to feel about yourself. Continue Reading
Donald Trump pledged to work for unity after winning the presidential race on Tuesday. Continue Reading
George W. Bush and Laura Bush did not make a selection at the top of the ticket. They voted for Republicans down ballot. Continue Reading
Sarah and Josh Cuellar of Las Cruces voted Tuesday for third-party presidential candidate Evan McMullin. Josh’s brother Andrew Cuellar and his fiancée, Christine Gilbert, voted for Libertarian Gary Johnson. Continue Reading
Dona Horton and Malcolm Fell are an elderly Las Cruces couple. “Clinton for me,” Fell said. “Trump,” Horton said. Continue Reading
The last four polls have Democrat Hillary Clinton leading Republican Donald Trump by between 2 and 8 points in New Mexico. Continue Reading