A new tool to help us oversee government

The Sunshine Portal is a Web site that will provide every New Mexico citizen with important information on the state’s finances and overall fiscal health. More importantly, with the veil of concealment pulled away, it will provide citizens with information to effectively oversee the operation of state government. Continue Reading

Here comes the sun

I’m going to celebrate this week – National Sunshine Week – by giving thanks for America’s many sunshine guarantees. In New Mexico, thanks to a legion of dedicated activists, we now have some of the toughest freedom-of-information laws in the nation. Continue Reading

Dems accuse Martinez of ‘hiding’ public records

The Democratic Party is accusing Republican gubernatorial candidate Susana Martinez, Doña Ana County’s district attorney, of “hiding” public records – a claim a good-government activist says is difficult to back up because the party has been allowed to inspect the records, even if it doesn’t yet have copies. But the director of the Foundation for Open Government says there are things Martinez’s office could do better. Continue Reading