Standing up for the disappeared in the Paso del Norte

For 43 hours hundreds in El Paso and Ciudad Juárez remembered — and protested — the first anniversary of the forced disappearance of 43 Mexican male students from the Raul Isidro Burgos Teachers College of Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, at the hands of police and paramilitary forces. But late September’s bout of activism went beyond the Ayotzinapa issue. Continue Reading

Ghosts linger in the 2012 Mexican elections

Despite the praise heaped on the voting by U.S. President Barack Obama and others, the 2012 elections were marred by scattered outbreaks of violence, widespread accusations of vote-buying by the different political parties, especially the PRI, and the systematic disenfranchisement of large numbers of voters. Continue Reading

Inside Mexico’s new youth rebellion

Almost from nowhere, the 132 Movement not only succeeded in mobilizing thousands of young people in street protests against one Mexican presidential candidate and media monopolization, but recast Mexico’s elections by thrusting questions of money and politics, economic power and corruption and education and citizenship into the center of the political process. Continue Reading

Last stand in Lomas de Poleo

Around 1970, Lomas de Poleo’s settlers recreated the world of the small but vanishing Mexican ranch. If a new border crossing ever materializes at Anapra-Sunland Park, the dusty landscape will likely transform. Continue Reading