Clarifying the big picture

Lost in the whole health-care debate are simple questions, like what kind of system creates the best incentives for people to stay healthy. The answer to that question was made clear to me this week by CIGNA. Continue Reading

Victory on access, defeat on costs

As 40 Republicans and one Joe Lieberman dig in their heels to protect big insurance companies, it’s becoming clear that health reform is going to be watered down significantly. There’s one major exception though, and it’s called “guaranteed issue.” Continue Reading

Health-care reform – It’s a shell game

Health-care reform, as Congress presents it to us, is incomprehensively complex and non-understandable. If you want to control things, that’s exactly the situation you would want to create. There are hundreds of lobbyists trying mostly to keep things really complicated for us – the folks who will pay for it – so they can keep it their way. Continue Reading

Thanksgiving and the veil of ignorance

This Thanksgiving, I hope our legislators in Santa Fe and Washington remember the Golden Rule. After all, being grateful means understanding that we’re all a bit lucky, and being gracious enough to extend the opportunities we’ve been afforded to everyone else. Continue Reading