The great outdoors giveaway

Congressman Stevan Pearce is an original co-sponsor of risky legislation that would result in the worst sell-off of our nation’s most scenic treasures in living memory. The bill would undermine decades of land protection in one fell swoop. Continue Reading

Working to save New Mexico’s water

You may have heard that I recently brought a lawsuit against the federal Bureau of Reclamation because the agency unilaterally reclassified 65,000 acre feet of New Mexico water so that it could be made available for release to Texas. I believe this water rightfully belongs to the people of New Mexico and the BOR’s actions are illegal. Continue Reading

Greenhouse gas rules are a necessary step

On April 25, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar issued a report to Congress with some very disturbing news: Due to the effects of climate change, eight major river basins in the United States, including New Mexico’s Rio Grande, could suffer up to a 14 percent reduction in flows over the next four decades. Continue Reading