VIDEO: AFSCME reacts to mandatory furloughs

AFSCME- NM Council 18’s Andrew Padilla is worried about the impact Gov. Bill Richardson’s executive order that mandates five-day furloughs for all state workers will have on employees — especially those making less than $25,000 a year. He talked to outside the Roundhouse on Thursday. Continue Reading

Guv orders job and agency cuts, furloughs

UPDATED: Gov. Bill Richardson today smacked down an attempt by lawmakers to force 7.6-percent cuts on state agencies under his control, but announced his own plans to cut at least 84 political appointee jobs, order employees under his control to take five furlough days and trim agency budgets under his control by an average of 7 percent. Continue Reading

Corporate tax debate has been misleading

The characterization of combined reporting being spread by proponents – that it will eliminate a loophole that permits large, multi-state corporations to shift income earned in New Mexico to other, more tax-friendly states — omits the principal features of combined reporting, misstates the tax liability of local companies and exaggerates the likely state revenue impact of combined reporting. Continue Reading

Denish wants to end double-dipping

Lt. Gov. Diane Denish says she wants the state to eliminate “lucrative loopholes for double-dippers” — state employees who are rehired after retiring and receive both a state salary and a pension. Click on the headline to listen to her remarks. Continue Reading

Shared sacrifice

Everyone, from state workers to educational employees to millionaires to out-of-state corporate giants, needs to realize we’re in a genuine crisis. Sacrifice is going to be needed from everyone, but if we’re smart about how we cut, we can preserve many of the public safety, health and educational gains over the last seven years. Continue Reading