There’s no tax loophole on tribal lands

We would like to respond to the New Mexico Petroleum Marketers Association’s attack on tribal gas tax agreements. There is no “loophole” as misleadingly stated by Mr. Baca. The tribes tax gas sold on reservations and use the revenue to serve the needs of their members. Continue Reading

Overcoming New Mexico’s economic crisis

Daily, reality reminds even the most optimistic among us: The sour New Mexico economy cannot turn around fast enough to avoid even more cuts to state services. Our challenge now is to work equally hard at minimizing the harm from those cuts and at maximizing our economy’s ability to recover. Continue Reading

Hayek goes Costco

In his classic “The Road to Serfdom,” F. A. Hayek argues that the pursuit of socialist ideals leads to totalitarianism. Why is it so popular more than 60 years after it was published? I can only surmise that Hayek’s stardom must mean that people are searching for alternative answers to our current economic catastrophe. Continue Reading

Analyzing Martinez’s claim about ‘out-of-control’ budget growth

UPDATED: State funding for Susana Martinez’s office grew 69.5 percent during the same time period she is using to attack the “Richardson/Denish” administration for “out-of-control” growth of 54 percent. My exploration of Martinez’s stance – that her office’s budget growth was justified but the state’s was not – revealed that budgets are complicated and there are different ways of looking at things. Continue Reading

How about that Geithner

On today’s Meet the Press, David Gregory and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner had a candid and even somewhat revealing discussion about the overall state of the economy, as well as specific ways to abet the healing process. Continue Reading