Helena Chemical Co. has not been a good neighbor

Helena Chemical Company’s flippant attitude regarding state regulation and the concerns of neighbors has earned it a bad reputation, the state’s environmental protection division director argues in this commentary. He writes that the Environment Department’s regulation of Helena is not unfair. Continue Reading

Wilderness compromises border security

This is in response to Mr. Nick Voges’ assertion that Senator Bingaman’s wilderness bill “would make our borders safer.” If wilderness study areas are designated as wilderness, the Border Patrol will no longer be able to conduct routine patrols and will be prohibited from utilizing mechanical equipment or other modern detection devices. How does that make us safer? Continue Reading

Happy (fiscal) New Year!

We the people have spoken. We want a balanced budget without cuts to services or tax increases. It’s clear that the public doesn’t know what it wants and knows even less how to get there. That’s where our leaders come in. We need them to lead. Continue Reading