A Border Patrol bordering on wrong

© 2008 by Michael Swickard, Ph.D. Defining moments are not always of our choosing. Often they appear suddenly, like last week. Because I live in Las Cruces, traveling every direction but south means I have to go through a U.S. Border Patrol checkpoint where I am asked my citizenship. I have gone through these checkpoints thousands of times over four decades and every time been carefully questioned as to my nationality despite the fact that, at the actual U.S. border 60 miles away, millions of illegal people have streamed across relatively unmolested because of the political policies of our leaders. Last week I was headed to Alamogordo. Continue Reading

Wilson hits Pearce over Border Patrol vote

The fighting between the two GOP U.S. Senate candidates is continuing, with Heather Wilson attacking Steve Pearce for saying he supports increasing the number of Border Patrol agents even though he voted in 2007 against such funding as a member of the U.S. House. It’s an issue on which Wilson has gone after Pearce in the past, but comments she made in an e-mail to supporters this weekend and that her campaign manager made in a Tuesday news release stepped up the rhetoric. “Congressman Pearce has given several different explanations for why he voted against funding the Border Patrol,” Wilson wrote in the e-mail. “But like his vote to mothball Cannon Air Force Base and his votes to cripple Department of Energy funding for Sandia and Los Alamos national labs, they don’t make much sense.” Her campaign manager, Chris Collins, echoed those words in the news release. “He’s talking out of both sides of his mouth,” Collins said. Continue Reading