Legislature resists efforts to rein in payday loans
Since 2010, at least 11 bills that would have capped interest rates on storefront lenders have met quiet deaths without ever making it out of their initial committees. Continue Reading
NMPolitics.net (https://nmpolitics.net/index/tag/2016-legislative-session/)
Since 2010, at least 11 bills that would have capped interest rates on storefront lenders have met quiet deaths without ever making it out of their initial committees. Continue Reading
If New Mexico had enemies who wanted to harm the state, what would they do differently in the Legislature? Nothing. Continue Reading
Wester appealed to legislators during the annual prayer breakfast to support spending money from the $15 billion Land Grant Permanent Fund on early childhood programs. Continue Reading
Martinez’s proposal would cut state contributions to employee pensions, which would effectively reduce take-home pay for state workers and teachers. Continue Reading
Ken Ortiz, spokesman for Secretary of State Brad Winter, said his office had received letters of complaint from both political parties regarding improper fundraising. Continue Reading
House Democrats accused the Republican leadership of keeping the public in the dark on legislation being considered. Continue Reading
Because we won’t change the system, hundreds of millions of dollars will be squandered every year and taxes will be raised and the permanent funded will be raided to cover the losses. Continue Reading
Sending more of New Mexico’s high-school graduates off to college, while providing insufficient employment opportunities for them after graduation, is profoundly unwise policy. Continue Reading
Gov. Susana Martinez’s vetoes singled out the most vulnerable in our state for harsher treatment than ever before. Continue Reading
When officials resist reforms that would empower citizens with information about our government, we all suffer. Continue Reading
Unfortunately the process surrounding the Gila River diversion is a prime example of why New Mexico has a bad reputation for how it makes decisions. Continue Reading
If the Legislature won’t let retired chemists teach chemistry to students in grades 7-12, Gov. Susana Martinez won’t make it easier for physical therapy assistants to become principals. Continue Reading
“It is frustrating and disappointing to watch how the Legislature squanders critical infrastructure funding,” Gov. Susana Martinez wrote in a strongly worded message to lawmakers. Continue Reading
Gov. Susana Martinez promised that her policies would create jobs. She has even claimed recently that New Mexico’s economy is doing well. If only it were true. Continue Reading
New Mexico will continue giving immigrants living here without legal status a way to drive legally. Continue Reading