Revenge of the forgotten class
COMMENTARY: Hillary Clinton and the Democrats were playing with fire when they effectively wrote off white workers in the small towns and cities of the Rust Belt. Continue Reading
NMPolitics.net (https://nmpolitics.net/index/tag/2016-election/page/3/)
COMMENTARY: Hillary Clinton and the Democrats were playing with fire when they effectively wrote off white workers in the small towns and cities of the Rust Belt. Continue Reading
Let’s prove to Americans that we Republicans can govern and that their bet will pay off. Continue Reading
Like no other U.S. presidential election in modern times, the stunning victory of Donald Trump is shaking up Mexico’s political scene. Continue Reading
Some undocumented immigrants brought here as kids were granted a sort of legal status by President Barack Obama. They’re in a state of shock and panic now that Donald Trump has won the White House. Continue Reading
U.S. Rep. Steve Pearce, a supporter of President-elect Donald Trump, joined others who were surprised at how well Trump did in Tuesday’s election. Continue Reading
I want you to know that no one, including the president of the United States, gets to tell you how to feel about yourself. Continue Reading
Donald Trump pledged to work for unity after winning the presidential race on Tuesday. Continue Reading
Some races are still up in the air, and recounts in two or three districts are likely, but it appears that Democrats won enough races to have approximately 38 of 70 seats in the House. Continue Reading
Judith Nakamura is the first Republican to win an election for the state Supreme Court since 1980. Continue Reading
Sanchez lost his Senate seat following a campaign in which voters were inundated with paid media featuring the family members of crime victims urging voters to oust him. Continue Reading
U.S. Rep. Steve Pearce, R-N.M., is declaring victory in his race against Democratic challenger Merrie Lee Soules. Continue Reading
Democrat Maggie Toulouse Oliver defeated Republican Nora Espinoza on Tuesday. Continue Reading
Watch our website, follow us on Twitter and Facebook, and keep an eye on the county and state websites. Continue Reading
George W. Bush and Laura Bush did not make a selection at the top of the ticket. They voted for Republicans down ballot. Continue Reading
County Clerk Lynn Ellins has known since Sunday which candidates won the early, in-person vote in Doña Ana County. Continue Reading