Help wanted: One good man or woman for America

It might seem that America’s top job has been a bit top-heavy with lawyers and military men. Maybe we ought to re-write the qualifications for the presidency, especially in light of the precarious financial and geopolitical situation in which we find ourselves today. Here are my suggested qualifications. Continue Reading

Cleaning up our campaign finance system

We cannot stand idly by and watch our elections be fundamentally degraded by a flood of unaccountable money into the system. That is why I have introduced an amendment to the United States Constitution to address our country’s broken campaign finance system. Continue Reading

No more junk economics

We must not only demand that the economic recovery plans presented to us in the coming months are based on sound economics, but also be told in no uncertain terms how they can help us keep America’s promises to all of its people. Continue Reading

Knowing the difference between red and blue

One activist at a recent Occupy Wall Street protest held a sign saying, “Red or blue, they screw you.” Talk about undiscerning. Changing the country is going to take more than protests. It means knowing who is on the side of 99 percent of us and who is not. Continue Reading