VIDEO: Daisy

As we enter August and head toward the 2010 General, we should all prepare ourselves for the barrage of political ads that are about to attack our flat screens. Check out this shocker of an ad from 1964. What would it take today to have an ad banned after one airing? Continue Reading

Political analyst takes sides in guv race

Political analyst Jose Z. Garcia endorsed Republican gubernatorial candidate Susana Martinez on Friday when the campaign announced that he had agreed to be on the steering committee for her “Democrats for Martinez” coalition. Because of that, I’ll no longer be quoting him as a political analyst when it comes to the governor’s race. Continue Reading

The gatekeeper to NM’s political machine

“Corruption in New Mexico has reached the level of epidemic, and is in all forms of government.” Don’t take my word for it; take it from recently retired FBI Special Agent in Charge Tom McClenaghan, who concluded that our state might just be the most corrupt in the nation. It’s time for a change. Continue Reading

Analyzing Martinez’s claim about ‘out-of-control’ budget growth

UPDATED: State funding for Susana Martinez’s office grew 69.5 percent during the same time period she is using to attack the “Richardson/Denish” administration for “out-of-control” growth of 54 percent. My exploration of Martinez’s stance – that her office’s budget growth was justified but the state’s was not – revealed that budgets are complicated and there are different ways of looking at things. Continue Reading