King shouldn’t defend NM driver’s license policy

In 2003, Governor Bill Richardson signed legislation to allow those who are in this country unlawfully to obtain a New Mexico driver’s license. Seven years later, however, it is clear this experiment has failed, and yet the state’s chief law enforcement officer, Attorney General Gary King, is still defending the policy. Continue Reading

The truth about the Baby Brianna bill

State Sen. Mary Jane Garcia recently accused Republican gubernatorial candidate Susana Martinez of misrepresenting her role in the passage of a bill that resulted in tougher penalties for child abuse resulting in death. But the reality is that it’s Garcia – not Martinez – who is misrepresenting the facts. Continue Reading

GOP accuses Denish of hypocrisy on vouchers

Republicans are accusing Diane Denish of hypocrisy for attacking her opponent’s support of vouchers because Denish used to sit on the board of a foundation that has financially supported vouchers. But Denish says foundations must abide by the intent of donors, and while she didn’t always agree with her uncle, who started the foundation, she was “honored to serve on the board and honor his intent.” Continue Reading

Why run for office?

Ok, so here I am one day sitting on the couch and I realize I’m screaming at the television. Why, you ask? Well, I’m so frustrated with the way the country’s going. That’s when I decided I’d either sit here and be part of the problem or do something that would let me be part of the cure. Continue Reading