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Bingaman proposal tackles guest-worker plan

U.S. Sen. Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., is proposing an amendment that could shake up the fragile alliance pushing an immigration reform plan in the Senate. Last week, a bipartisan group of senators and the White House announced a compromise proposal on the problem that has angered those on the left and right. You can read the details by clicking here. The Senate began debating the bill on Monday, and is taking on the first of several sticky points today – the creation of a guest-worker program that would bring in at least 400,000 temporary workers to the United States each year. Critics of that proposal, including union groups, say it’s a pro-industry provision that keeps immigrants working for low wages and also keeps down wages for American workers. Continue Reading

Bingaman gets high marks in non-scientific poll

A majority of those who voted in last week’s non-scientific poll on this site approve of the job Jeff Bingaman is doing as a U.S. senator. Of 177 voters, 121, or 68 percent, said they approve, while 48, or 27 percent, disapprove, and eight, or 5 percent, aren’t sure. Don’t forget to vote in this week’s poll, located at the top of the right column on this page. Continue Reading

Bingaman, Domenici set example of bipartisanship

A column in today’s Washington Post cites New Mexico’s two U.S. senators as an example of bipartisan cooperation that often goes unnoticed. David S. Broder has an excellent point: I joined most journalists in ignoring the Senate’s approval last week of the America Competes Act. U.S. Sens. Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., and Pete Domenici, R-N.M., were among a number of sponsors of the bill, but were two of the three who began the push for the legislation in 2005, Broder wrote. The bill authorizes $16 billion over four years as part of a $60-billion plan to double funding for the National Science Foundation over five years and funding for the Department of Energy’s Office of Science over 10 years. Continue Reading

Bingaman and Udall discuss Richardson’s ambitions, Iraq, climate change and other issues

The two Democratic members of New Mexico’s delegation in Washington, D.C. will support Gov. Bill Richardson if he runs for president. “I’ve urged him to run,” U.S. Rep. Tom Udall said. “Gov. Richardson and I go way back and we’ve been good friends.” Sen. Jeff Bingaman, who has several Democratic colleagues running for president, agreed. “I’ve told Bill that I’d be glad to support him if he jumps into the race,” he said. “It’s an amazing undertaking and I compliment him for it.” Their comments were part of wide-ranging interviews I had with both at their congressional offices during a visit I made to the nation’s capital on Thursday. Continue Reading

Bingaman, Udall have busy first day in the majority

Jeff Bingaman and Tom Udall had a busy first day in the new session of Congress that began Thursday with the election of the first woman to the position of speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. Like all others who won in November the right to keep (or hold for the first time) their offices, Bingaman and Udall were sworn in Thursday at the start of the 110th Congress. As Democrats took control of the Senate, New Mexico’s Bingaman took the chairmanship of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, but pledged cooperation with the man he replaced, Republican Sen. Pete Domenici, and all Republicans. “The Committee on Energy and Natural Resources has a strong tradition of bipartisan accomplishment that I plan on continuing in this new Congress,” Bingaman said in a speech on the Senate floor, according to a news release. “I look forward to working with my colleague, Senator Pete Domenici, and all the members of the committee as we forge an effective path forward to promote our energy and energy-related environmental security.” In the release, Bingaman said his priorities for the new Congress will be energy independence, affordable health care, America’s competition in the global marketplace and bringing American troops home from Iraq. Continue Reading

Bingaman dodges question about end of Domenici, Richardson truce

Michael Swickard put Sen. Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., in a tough spot on his radio show this morning. Swickard asked what Bingaman thought of the recent end to the long-standing truce between Gov. Bill Richardson, a Democrat, and Sen. Pete Domenici, a Republican. Here’s the short version: Richardson believes Domenici was involved in the recent move by the Republican Party to replace his opponent in the gubernatorial race, then J.R. Damron, with fireball John Dendahl. Dendahl has said a Domenici staffer was involved. Because of that, Richardson is actively seeking a Democrat to run against Domenici in two years, and has asked Lieutenant Gov. Diane Denish to consider it. Continue Reading