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Udall, who may consider Senate run, praises Domenici

U.S. Rep. Tom Udall, D-N.M., who will likely consider running for the Senate seat being vacated by GOP giant Pete Domenici next year, called the outgoing senator a “statesman and skilled negotiator.” “Throughout his distinguished career in public service, Senator Pete V. Domenici has worked hard for all New Mexicans. He will leave the United States Senate as New Mexico’s longest serving member, earning a reputation as a statesman and skilled negotiator,” Udall said in a statement released through a spokeswoman. “Although we have not always seen eye-to-eye on every issue, we have worked together in the best interest of the state, and I look forward to working with him for the remainder of this Congress.” “I think I speak for all New Mexicans in thanking him for his leadership and service,” Udall said. “Jill and I join all of New Mexico in wishing him, his wife Nancy and their entire family all the best in the future. We’re all grateful for his half-century of public service to New Mexico.” A spokeswoman for U.S. Sen. Jeff Bingaman said a statement is in the works. Continue Reading

The moderate Wilson sticks her neck out once again

By Whitney Cheshire The debate over children’s health insurance shows us that Heather Wilson is still very much Heather Wilson. Late Tuesday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill that would greatly improve access to health insurance for our country’s poorest kids. It was the latest vote on the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), and it went down as most people expected – sort of. The SCHIP debate The program to provide health insurance for low-income kids was instituted nationally in 1996 by Republicans. At the time, Wilson, who is now the GOP representative from Albuquerque, was cabinet secretary for the state’s Children, Youth, and Families Department. Continue Reading

Domenici’s approval rating falls to 41 percent

U.S. Sen. Pete Domenici’s approval rating has fallen 11 points in the last month, and it’s now below the 50-percent mark for the first time. The newest SurveyUSA poll, released today, is bad news for a GOP senator who keeps ending up on lists of endangered incumbents even though he hasn’t yet drawn a high-profile Democratic challenger. Domenici’s support is at 41 percent, down from 52 percent in August, and he’s increasingly looking vulnerable. “The people of New Mexico are clearly unhappy that Pete Domenici is more loyal to George Bush and his failed policies than to the families of New Mexico,” state Democratic Party Chairman Brian S. Colón said in a news release. “This poll confirms that Domenici is in serious danger of losing his job when New Mexicans go to the polls next year.” It’s also an indication that national groups that have attacked Domenici for failing to support an immediate withdrawal from Iraq and new renewable energy standards are having an effect. Continue Reading

Domenici isn’t seeking embattled senator’s resignation

U.S. Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M., isn’t jumping on the bandwagon of GOP officials calling for the resignation of a Republican senator who pleaded guilty earlier this month to a misdemeanor charge stemming from allegations that he solicited sex from an undercover police officer in an airport restroom. Sen. Larry Craig, R-Idaho, was arrested June 11 in Minneapolis after an undercover male officer said he engaged in conduct “often used by persons communicating a desire to engage in sexual conduct.” Craig claims he entered the guilty plea to the misdemeanor charge to try to deal with the incident quickly and quietly. Now that it has become public, Craig says he regrets his plea and did nothing wrong. Regardless, the incident has led to an ethics investigation and GOP leadership in the Senate has stripped Craig of senior committee positions. The White House has expressed disappointment, and a number of GOP senators and representatives have called for Craig’s resignation. Continue Reading

Domenici says Gonzales’ resignation was ‘inevitable’

U.S. Sen. Pete Domenici, whose popularity has taken a dip in recent months because of his role in the U.S. attorney scandal, released a statement today calling Attorney General Alberto Gonzales’ resignation “inevitable.” “His situation was a distraction to the Department of Justice and its attempt to carry out its important duties,” the GOP senator said. “I look forward to reviewing the president’s nominee for attorney general carefully and objectively.” Both Domenici and U.S. Rep. Heather Wilson, R-N.M., are subjects of preliminary inquiries that cold turn into full investigations because of their involvement in the U.S. attorney scandal. Both called former U.S. Attorney David Iglesias in October to inquire about a public corruption investigation that was rumored at the time to involve high-ranking Democrats and, earlier this year, led to the indictment of former Senate President Manny Aragon. Iglesias claims he refused pressure from the two to speed indictments in time to sway voters in November, when Wilson was up for re-election and in a tough contest. Two months later, he was fired without being given reason. Continue Reading

After a brief climb, Domenici’s support falls again

Support for U.S. Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M., has dropped once again as he faces a barrage of criticism from the left and right, but he still hasn’t drawn a well-known challenger to take him on next year. In the newest SurveyUSA Poll, Domenici’s approval rating has fallen to 52 percent, one point above his lowest rating since the monthly survey began in May 2005. I’ve already reported on the Sierra Club’s assault on Domenici for opposing a requirement that electric companies derive 15 percent of their energy from renewable sources by 2020. On Wednesday, Americans United For Change began airing this television ad in the Albuquerque market attacking Domenici for “still standing with President Bush on Iraq, voting time and again against bringing our troops home.” And the conservative Freedom’s Watch is airing these ads in various markets, including Albuquerque, to pressure members of Congress to support Bush’s Iraq strategy. Domenici has broken ranks with the president, supporting a bipartisan proposal to begin withdrawing American combat troops from Iraq as soon as next spring, but he opposes cutting war funding or bringing the troops home now. Continue Reading

Officials celebrate final OK for new Cannon mission

New Mexico’s leaders today hailed the final approval of the new mission for Cannon Air Force Base in Clovis, which will begin Oct. 1. Though it had been previously announced that the base would become home to a special operations wing of the Air Force Special Operations Command, an environmental impact statement was holding up final approval. The Pentagon signed off on the statement today, finalizing the mission. Gov. Bill Richardson said today’s signing was “great news for the people of Eastern New Mexico.” U.S. Rep. Steve Pearce said the new mission “will only increase the synergy of New Mexico’s significant role in the United States’ defense and military development.” Cannon is now on track to begin its new mission on Oct. Continue Reading

Funding for children’s health insurance is critical

By state Sen. Dede Feldman In today’s polarized political climate, there are few issues that unite Democrats, Republicans, businesses, doctors, insurance companies, hospitals and consumer advocates. But over the past 10 years, a solid consensus has emerged in New Mexico, and across the nation, that we need to ensure that our children have health insurance and the early care it brings. A key element of federal funding for such insurance has been the State Children’s Health Insurance Program – more commonly known as SCHIP. It is now at risk in Washington as the president reverts to an ideological objection to the program as “government-run” health care while the House and Senate debate the proper level of funding. For New Mexico, the stakes are high. Continue Reading

Domenici’s support climbs for first time in months

After falling for several months as a result of the U.S. attorney controversy, support for U.S. Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M., has climbed in the newest SurveyUSA poll. In the newest poll, conducted July 13-15, Domenici’s support was at 55 percent. The poll was released last week but went unnoticed by the print and Internet media (including me). Thanks to Steve Terrell for noticing it. With the Democrats yet to find a top-tier candidate to take on Domenici next year, the newest poll is likely to deter some who might be considering getting in the race. Continue Reading

Senate kills Iraq withdrawal bill

While most of us were sleeping last night, members of the United States Senate were debating a proposal to require that President Bush begin withdrawing American troops from Iraq within 120 days and complete the pullout of combat troops by the end of April. The measure needed 60 votes to pass, but only received 52. Four Republicans joined all Democrats in voting for it. The measure is different than one Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M., has signed on to in that it’s more rigid because it sets a firm withdrawal date. Domenici favors a goal of withdrawing all combat troops from Iraq by March 2008 and implementation of other recommendations of the Iraq Study Group, and he voted against the proposal that was debated last night and this morning. Continue Reading

King’s human trafficking task force meets in Cruces

Attorney General Gary King will be in Las Cruces on Wednesday for the first meeting of a task force whose aim will be developing legislation that would criminalize human trafficking in New Mexico. Legislation that would do that, sponsored by Sen. Mary Jane Garcia, D-Doña Ana, failed during this year’s session, in part, King said, because of conflicting information that confused lawmakers. The task force will seek to clear up confusion and help create new legislation. It will also discuss services for victims of human trafficking and training for law enforcement in ways to recognize and deal with trafficking, which is on the rise in New Mexico. “It is important for all interested parties to come together to craft a human trafficking bill that will have wide support and, therefore, stand a better chance of passing in the next legislative session,” King said. Continue Reading

Pearce discloses funding requests; senators won’t

I’ve been writing in the last week about New Mexico’s members of Congress being asked to release lists of requests for local project funding they made for possible inclusion in the budget currently being debated in Washington. I have already written that Democratic Rep. Tom Udall and Republican Rep. Heather Wilson have released their lists. As promised, Republican Rep. Steve Pearce released his list late Tuesday. You can view it by clicking here. He actually went beyond what the other representatives did by not only releasing his list of requests but detailing the status of each, which is impressive. Continue Reading

Domenici wants new, reduced U.S. mission in Iraq

U.S. Sen. Pete Domenici has decided to support a redeployment of many American troops from Iraq by March 2008 as part of a new, reduced mission in that war-torn country. The GOP senator from New Mexico announced today that he has decided to cosponsor legislation that would call for the implementation of many of the Iraq Study Group recommendations. The move represents a major shift for Domenici, who up until now has supported President Bush in backing a controversial troop surge and opposing a timetable for withdrawal. “I am calling for a new strategy that will move our troops out of combat operations,” Domenici said. “This should result in a significant reduction in combat missions for U.S. troops and place more of a burden where it belongs – on the Iraqis.” The move is certain to upset Bush allies, but will also bolster Domenici’s re-election bid. Continue Reading

Wilson releases list of funding requests

I wrote last week about U.S. Rep. Tom Udall publishing a list of his requests for local project funding on his Web site, and the importance of that because a lack of scrutiny has historically led to some wasteful spending by Congress and the president. Because they haven’t published similar lists on their Web sites, I requested last week the lists of requests made by U.S. Reps. Heather Wilson and Steve Pearce. Wilson’s office faxed me her requests this weekend. You can check them out by clicking here. Continue Reading

Senate blocks immigration overhaul proposal

The Senate today killed a proposal to reform the nation’s immigration system, which will likely delay any chance of an overhaul until after the 2008 election. Only 46 senators voted today to limit debate and schedule a final vote on the bill. They needed 60 votes for that to happen. Fifty-three senators, including Pete Domenici and Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico, voted against the motion to schedule a final vote. The resulting stalemate likely kills the bill. Continue Reading