Your search for bingaman returned 340 results

Taking care of business?

UPDATED: Recently, a local building association official advocated for electing “business friendly” politicians. But we as a community have different, more dynamic priorities than does an industry representative. Healthy communities are more than housing developments and market shares. Continue Reading

Wilderness compromises border security

This is in response to Mr. Nick Voges’ assertion that Senator Bingaman’s wilderness bill “would make our borders safer.” If wilderness study areas are designated as wilderness, the Border Patrol will no longer be able to conduct routine patrols and will be prohibited from utilizing mechanical equipment or other modern detection devices. How does that make us safer? Continue Reading

Momentum belongs to the Republicans

Republicans across the state should be excited about the strong ticket of Republicans nominated in last Tuesday’s primary. It is vital for the Republican Party to unite, put past differences aside and make the Democrats their target. Continue Reading