Searchlight New Mexico fact-checked eight claims she made during her two runs and terms as governor.

Will citizen involvement make the difference in Albuquerque?
The One Albuquerque Goals Summit convened four public meetings in July to discuss public safety, economics and the environment. Continue Reading
Here’s how Searchlight learned where NM’s vendors are located
It took seven months, and it wasn’t easy. Continue Reading

Here’s how to follow along on election night
Polls are now closed in New Mexico. Here’s how to follow election results tonight. Continue Reading

Here’s what you need to know on Election Day
It’s primary Election Day in New Mexico for Democrats, Republicans and Libertarians. Continue Reading

Birth of the ‘brain bag:’ A conversation with Quint Studer
Quint Studer came to Pensacola, Florida, from Chicago about 20 years ago to turn around a troubled hospital. He ended up turning around the whole town. Continue Reading

Bill by bill: How legislators have fought for NM’s kids
Wonder what the state’s lawmakers are doing about New Mexico’s poor ranking? We looked at 2,586 legislative ideas on kids and families so you don’t have to. Continue Reading

Then and Now: Years after childhood immigration, she dreams of stability
Cinthia doesn’t remember crossing la frontera at age 3, but that twist of fate thrust her into a legal bind from which she hasn’t yet managed to extricate herself. Continue Reading

Then and Now: Two decades later, preschooler is a mom with deep love of New Mexico
Don Usner first photographed Sophia Salazar in 1997, when she was attending Conjunto Preschool in Española. Continue Reading
The weight of abuse: How an obesity clinic sparked one of the nation’s most revolutionary health surveys
In 1985, a 28-year-old woman walked into Vincent Felitti’s obesity clinic and asked for help. She weighed 408 pounds and she wanted to get thin. Continue Reading

Science reveals severe childhood trauma can alter brain development, creating lifetime of risk
Today, more than at any other time in history, science and medicine show the vast, interconnected dance between a baby’s outside world and the core of its being: its brain. Continue Reading