© 2009 by Michael Swickard, Ph.D. “Safety is something that happens between your ears, not something you hold in your hands.” – Marine Lt. Colonel Jeff Cooper While the legendary shooting instructor Jeff Cooper was talking about large-caliber pistols and his beloved Scout Rifle in the above quote, the issue of safety is the same for things that could distract you and others to death. Your safety is in your mind, not your hands. No one can make you any safer than you wish to make yourself. My favorite Jeff Cooper quote is, “One of the notable aspects of the democratic process is that one need not know anything about a subject in order to pass laws about it.” An example is municipalities that have banned holding cell phones while driving with no regard to the research about how cell phones potentially make drivers unsafe. According to the research, it is not physically holding a cell phone that is potentially dangerous as much as it is two other factors: first the visual distraction, which is the same for navigation screens, computer screens and texting; and second the effect of emotional conversation on eye refresh rate. Continue Reading