Impact fees are the best choice for city residents

It’s disappointing that some who have pushed so hard for new growth have been so reluctant to find the means to pay for it. Fortunately, the City Council and I have been willing to tackle this problem, ensuring a system that will keep taxes low while providing for the kind of roads, drainage and public safety that our people deserve. Continue Reading

Free trade is a pipe dream

In a recent editorial published by, a former Bush Administration appointee trumpeted the necessity of passing a number of free trade agreements when instead he should have been focusing on promoting fair trade – a totally different concept. Continue Reading

Free trade agreements mean jobs for NM

Because New Mexico ranks near the bottom in job creation, our congressional delegation should vote for free-trade agreements with Colombia, Panama and South Korea. If Congress doesn’t ratify these agreements soon, many will wonder if our leaders are serious about creating jobs and getting our economy back on track. Continue Reading