ObamaCare is an important first step

Like every major piece of social legislation in this country’s history – Social Security, the Civil Rights Act and Medicare – the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will need to be revisited. What is important is that we have a base from which to build. Continue Reading

Cleaning up our campaign finance system

We cannot stand idly by and watch our elections be fundamentally degraded by a flood of unaccountable money into the system. That is why I have introduced an amendment to the United States Constitution to address our country’s broken campaign finance system. Continue Reading

Medicare benefits have been cut enough

Our budget is in need of balancing – that fact can’t be denied – but to do so at the expense of our grandparents is shameful. Congress needs to find a different avenue for balancing the budget. Medicare benefits and reimbursements have been cut enough. Continue Reading

The unlevel playing field

Despite what one Albuquerque Journal letter writer thinks, if the playing field was indeed fair and even, then – statistically – equal rates of people from every socioeconomic level would end up as financial failures. And that’s simply not the case. Continue Reading

No more junk economics

We must not only demand that the economic recovery plans presented to us in the coming months are based on sound economics, but also be told in no uncertain terms how they can help us keep America’s promises to all of its people. Continue Reading