Occupy the journey

Emerging in the Occupy Santa Fe movement is a sense of collective victory coupled with a feeling that deep, individual healing is taking place. I believe this may be our opportunity to define new, sustainable ways to live with each other without so many labels and no matter our backgrounds. Continue Reading

Help wanted: One good man or woman for America

It might seem that America’s top job has been a bit top-heavy with lawyers and military men. Maybe we ought to re-write the qualifications for the presidency, especially in light of the precarious financial and geopolitical situation in which we find ourselves today. Here are my suggested qualifications. Continue Reading

Industrialized education, really?

Very rarely do the left wingers who continuously criticize any attempt to reform New Mexico’s foundering education system say anything that surprises me. But Emanuele Corso, in his recent attack piece, has actually flipped reality upside down with this particular accusation. Continue Reading