Time to focus on jobs

Hang on to your hats, because as tough as it is to find a job in New Mexico now, it could get much worse. We need decisive action now. We need to act on multiple fronts. We need to focus. Nothing else is as urgent. Continue Reading

The law must apply even to heroes

A real live hero lives in Albuquerque – one who rescued a young girl from a kidnapper. But he is not in the United States with legal status. While Antonio Diaz Chacon is a fine human being and an exceptional credit to his country, Mexico, he has to answer for being in our country without legal status. Continue Reading

Working to save New Mexico’s water

You may have heard that I recently brought a lawsuit against the federal Bureau of Reclamation because the agency unilaterally reclassified 65,000 acre feet of New Mexico water so that it could be made available for release to Texas. I believe this water rightfully belongs to the people of New Mexico and the BOR’s actions are illegal. Continue Reading

Impact fees are the best choice for city residents

It’s disappointing that some who have pushed so hard for new growth have been so reluctant to find the means to pay for it. Fortunately, the City Council and I have been willing to tackle this problem, ensuring a system that will keep taxes low while providing for the kind of roads, drainage and public safety that our people deserve. Continue Reading