IPRA wasn’t intended to thwart a court’s discovery order

In a series of editorial articles, the Albuquerque Journal has been critical of the Attorney General’s Office for pursuing our legal rights under the Inspection of Public Records Act. Most recently our actions were called absurd. But I certainly do not believe it is absurd for the State of New Mexico to have its day in court.
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Leaving the party after 39 years

I’d been thinking of leaving my party for a long time, but held on hope that with just a little more time it would regain some of the standards and principles and ethics it once claimed were bedrocks of its foundation. On Sept. 15 I faced up to reality and became an independent. Continue Reading

Fair play, not foreclosure

New Mexico lost a chance to pull out of the mortgage foreclosure nosedive earlier this year when the House Judiciary Committee tabled my bill that would have given homeowners a fair shot at keeping their homes. We’ll try again during the session that begins in January. Continue Reading

Rebuilding the American dream

The “Rebuilding the American Dream” conference in Albuquerque – which will bring people together for a meaningful discussion about policy issues affecting the Hispanic community – provides a unique opportunity for New Mexicans to join in the national dialogue about the best way to grow the economy and create jobs. Continue Reading