My prediction: Mitt’s the man

It’s not too late for a non-Mitt to win the GOP primary, but it’s getting close. The main reason Romney won’t lose? The reasons for each of the big four non-Mitts staying in are too compelling for any one of them to drop in the next few weeks. Continue Reading

The new Tower of Babel

The 21st Century Tower of Babel has been constructed and the intent clearly is to confound the narrative in order to dismantle the finest, most democratic and enabling institution this country has ever had, public education. Continue Reading

‘Dust’ ordinance protects homeowners

We can all agree that “dust ordinance” is a silly name; that aside, don’t believe the hype. This ordinance isn’t “overly restrictive” or “punitive.” Protecting Las Crucens’ health and property is exactly the type of thing the city council should be working on. Continue Reading