Taxes matter; here’s why

Imagine how we would sound if we used words like “roads,” “education,” “public safety,” and “heath care” instead of “taxes.” Would you want to be heard saying, “I can’t believe I pay for roads when I fill my gas tank?” Or, “First responders really hike up the cost of my mortgage?” Continue Reading

Occupy Santa Fe needs to move differently

The Occupy people all over our nation have our attention, but we will not be bullied, we will not be intimidated, and they cannot come on private property and attack New Mexico citizens without the full response of angry citizens being directed at them. If they want to change the political process, do it right: Get elected and lead us to a better world. Continue Reading

Luján has been workers’ true champion and hero

House Speaker Ben Luján has not only led, but he has done so with a serenity, grace and skill that is unmatched in New Mexico politics, and I daresay in political circles anywhere in America. It’s hard to put into words how much Speaker Luján has meant to working people throughout the state. Continue Reading