Fighting corruption will improve our lives

If we can get policies like ethics commissions and campaign finance reform to the same level of public discourse as health insurance, the war and abortion, and then get them implemented, our society’s ability to make good decisions based purely on the good to the community — and not on what benefits the few and corrupt — will be improved, and so will our lives. Continue Reading

Health-care debate about philosophy, not details

© 2009 by Michael Swickard, Ph.D. This is an odd August Congressional Recess. Usually members of Congress bask in the calm and quiet at home while escaping the heat and humidity of Washington. But this recess from the Washington heat is nothing compared to the local constituent heat. That Congressional deer-in-the-headlights look says it all: “You little people are supposed to adore us who serve you in Congress, not shout at us.” Citizens are worked up. Some vent their frustrations by shouting. Continue Reading

A microcosm of NM’s corrupt political system

The Public Regulation Commission is just another example of why New Mexico needs an independent ethics commission In recent weeks, it’s become crystal clear that New Mexico’s Public Regulation Commission is a mess. Current Commissioner Jerome Block Jr. and his father, a former commissioner, are under indictment on felony charges related to misusing the state’s public financing system that include violating the elections code, tampering with evidence and, in the case of the younger Block, embezzlement. Commissioner Carol Sloan is facing felony charges of aggravated burglary and criminal damage to property after she allegedly attacked another woman on July 14 and accused the woman of having an affair with her husband. In 2007, a jury awarded $840,000 to a woman who accused Commissioner David King of sexually harassing her. It was the second time the state had to pay up because of sexual harassment allegations against King. Continue Reading

Public option and the free market (Part III)

By Carter Bundy The central argument over health care reform is whether free market solutions can solve American health care’s massive access and cost problems. Over the last few columns, I’ve tried to make the case that normal free market principles and assumptions simply don’t work in the field of health care. The first four assumptions that fail are: • Assuming consumers know what products and services they’ll need. • Assuming consumers know anything about the products and services they buy. • Assuming that consumers have a choice. • Assuming that private insurers have a motivation to provide good services. Continue Reading

Town-hall violence isn’t helping anything

Many conservatives are angry about bailouts, tax-increase proposals, cap-and-trade legislation and health-care reform. Fine. But instead of resorting to violence, they need to take a seat at the table. A libertarian activist in Albuquerque crossed a line on Friday when he advocated physical violence against members of left-leaning groups at town hall meetings on health-care reform. I’m not giving the guy the publicity of linking to his page or publishing his name, but I will tell you that he posted messages on Twitter stating that people should use “retaliation… be it verbal or physical” against members of ACORN and the Service Employees International Union if they decide to attend or disrupt town-hall meetings and should “hurt them. Continue Reading

A partly personal apology to my father

© 2009 by Michael Swickard, Ph.D. In the last month I have been occasionally blue thinking of my father, who passed away in 1993. Many of his formative years were spent fighting for freedom. First he fought World War II on the frontlines in person, and then, I have come to realize, he fought parts of that war again for the rest of his life in his head. I went walking the other day thinking of how in just one year America changed. I thought, “And the thanks he gets for all of those days on the frontlines protecting our country is that after his death America lurches toward a socialist agenda as bad as any he fought against in the service of his country. Continue Reading